The Entrepreneurs Community is aimed at promoting prospective entrepreneurs with business ideas, technology enthusiasts at different levels, group of start-up business founders with a goal of scaling up and many more.

Emerging Entrepreneurs

This community group is for Employed professionals who currently run a side business and those who plan to transition from paid employment to become full-time entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs Accountability Group

Entrepreneurs seeking accountability partners to hold them to disciplined pursuit and execution of their set business objectives, with regular Target vs Achievement review sessions during group meetings.

Events Et Al

The events industry is a multi-billion-naira sector and Nigerians are generally known for their social lives – we are happy people. This is a group for all players along the event ecosystem; including event and venue managers,

Fashion Entrepreneurs

The vision of the Community Group is viz: 1. To Build Friendly relationships/teams 2. Provide Spiritual and Earthly nourishment


The Startup Community is made up of businesses that are just starting out - they do not have up to 10 employees, they are not up to 18 months old.

The Cooks & Foodies Group

We are a community of food lovers. Some of us make money from food, some of us are into nutritious food, some of us just love to feed people, and some of us just love to eat food.