About The CCG

The covenant community group is an initiative of the covenant nation to promote peer mentoring, relationships, and networking among like-minded people in similar stages in their careers.
The purpose of these community groups is to create channels of interaction for people with similar interests to create a haven for members, to foster integration and fellowship, and to mitigate missed opportunities as a result of unharnessed relationships.

Chairman’s Speech
I am greatly delighted about your interest in the Covenant Community Groups (CCGs) and I extend a warm welcome to you.
The CCGs is an initiative of The Covenant Nation (TCN), which had its pilot semester in 2019. The CCG is open to both members and non-members of TCN. The CCGs run twice a year, in March and September. We have had four semesters since 2019 all of which have had positive impact on the lives of thousands of our members; we have testimonies of life-transforming experiences. We have 54 groups, including a community for the Diaspora. Thus, no matter what stage in life you currently occupy, we have a group for you.
The CCGs is set up to promote peer mentoring, relationship building and networking among like-minded people in similar stages or phases of their career, business, education and life journey with a view of creating fellowships, friendships and bonds. We use different tools, resources and platforms to achieve these and we would love you to experience them.
Joining the CCGs as a member comes with immense benefits to you as an individual, some of which are as follows:
1. CCGs give you an opportunity to grow your social capital
We need relationships and networks to accomplish our goals. If you become deliberate about participating actively in the community, you would meet people who will give you the right information that you need. The CCGs speeds up your access to quality networks and relationships that would ordinarily take you longer time to create yourself.
2.CCGs promote peer to peer mentoring and provide a support structure
At the CCG, you meet peers that will challenge you, motivate you and hold you accountable to your goals. In fact, you will realize that your struggles, challenges, and failures are not peculiar to you alone and that way, you will develop the grit to forge ahead.
3.CCGs provide a safe haven
A huge amount of energy is released, and synergy realized when people of like minds with similar interests work together. You get that support structure that you need to excel in life, especially when things get tough. You will find a family to be vulnerable with.
4.CCGs reinforce community service and provide a platform to volunteer
For us, it is not just about what we get as individuals, it is also about the impact we can make in our communities through volunteering. Volunteering opens the door to self-development, personal growth and development of leadership qualities.
Each semester comes with a bigger and more active community, better quality experiences and impact, more leaders and trailblazers, more room for friendships and stronger bonds.
Don’t do life alone. See you at the community!

The community groups are curently divided into 8 major streams namely:


Corporate Professionals



Family, Health and Lifestyle


Tech and Creatives

The Diaspora

Each stream anchors similar, yet different community groups tailored to various sets of people in order to fully achieve the purpose of the CCG as mentioned above. New streams and groups may be added per time based on demad and the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Duration and Schedule

CCGs are set up and scheduled to run for a period of 8-10 weeks which is typically referred to as a semester.
The Covenant Community Groups now run 2 semesters in a year, one in each half of the year.